
How Does It Work

Join XOVE on our mission to revolutionize online dating, making it a safer space for genuine connections.

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Step By Step


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The journey begins here!


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Get Your Photo Verified

Get your best smile ready and take a quick selfie, so we can ensure that you’re you!


Add Your Own Photos

Add some photos for possible matches to get to know you.


Tell Us About Yourself

Get the conversation started and tell your potential matches a little about yourself!


Get Started!

Complete your profile by connecting your social accounts, adding prompts, and here you go!

Best Features

Optimize Your Interactions

Send Likes, Super Likes, and comments on certain parts of profiles to boost your chances of making meaningful connections.

See Who Likes You

Take advantage of our introductory offer and find out who likes your profile for free.

Share Stories

Help others know you better by sharing your stories. Get more opportunities to break the ice with your matches.

Play The Wheel Of Xove!

Every day, spin the wheel of XOVE to try to win prizes or additional perks.